Since I haven't participated in a blog hop in a while, and being that I am tied down to the hospital and I have some time on my hands, it seemed a good time to jump back in. This month Meriah is requesting a truth, a tip and a photo.
I have a truth to share that no parent of a child with Down syndrome wants to come face to face with. It is true that our children are more susceptible to severe respiratory infections, including pneumonia. I am witness to this fact because we have been battling pneumonia, RSV and mycoplasma for over two weeks in the Children's Hospital. Because I'm not a clinician I probably shouldn't even attempt to explain in laymen's terms why this is, but, remembering every child is different, even our children with Ds, it could have to do with the anatomical structure of the trachea and esophagus. or it could stem from a suppressed immune system that can be the result of a variety of factors. If you understand medical terminology you can read more here:
So, my tip is related to this truth. If you find your little one in the hospital with a severe respiratory infection my best advice to you is to be patient. You will probably be there a while. While children without disabilities may be looking at a quick in and out when they find themselves in a similar condition, a child with Down syndrome is going to heal slowly, and some days it may not look like you've made any progress. It can be frustrating. Find people you trust to watch your child during the day if you work, and to give you breaks during the evening so you can run home and take care of other responsibilities. But just take it a day at a time. Pushing doctors for answers isn't going to make anything happen any quicker. Patience.
The last 2+ weeks have been good practice in patience for me. So, here we are. Still. But, having just come out of PICU, she is definitely better.
I have reached the proud title of Grandma after rearing 2 children who are now married with children of their own. I don't really know much about Downs Sydrome but I have nothing but admiration for you and all parents of these beautiful children. Keep on loving and enjoying your family, you are very special people.
Aw, thanks!