Moving on

I've committed myself to painting at least a couple of hours each day and it seems to be working.  I'm not painting as quickly as I had envisioned, nor am I painting as much.  It seems that my little chaos maker has other plans for me.  Oh, how we battle through the day.  But, as much as he makes me crazy I absolutely adore him and his 19-month-old chaos quickly brings smiles to my face.  I can't blame him for wanting in on the action.  And he is curious about my art supplies.  The struggle is when he spills a bottle of cobalt drier all over the floor, and himself.  But, we are adjusting and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something here is going to work.

These past two weeks at home have been absolutely blissful.  I can feel my mind is refreshing and starting to get back into that creative gear.

It was some time ago that I realized that if I'm in a position that I have to think analytically for a majority of the time then my creative juices suffer.  It won't happen.  It's like a lawnmower that won't start even though you keep tugging and begging. If I clear myself of analytical thoughts, like I have these past 2 weeks being willfully unemployed, then I see it come back and improve.  And that's where I'm at.  It's building up inside me, like a power plant being re-energized; like Superman shedding the kryptonite.  Ha!

My weekly check-in with the perinatologist is tomorrow.  Last week Clara scored a 10.  She will do it again tomorrow. 

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