Clara Watch

It looks like Clara will have an early February birthday rather than early March.  My OB will be scheduling her delivery for a little over a week away; that is, (in the words of the perinatologist) if we make it through next week.  She was a little concerned that Clara's cord doppler reading was high again. However, and thankfully, fluid around her heart remains low.  Due to that fact I escaped being once more locked away in the hospital!

The second best news was I am now released from bed rest.  She said I was so close that at this point it didn't matter.  Yay! 

I see my OB in the morrning to set a date.  Then Monday afternoon we will see the perinatologist again to check back in with Clara. We are at the home stretch now and I can't wait to kiss and hold my little girl.

Oh, and I'm digging the paints back out this afternoon, after I have lunch with a dear friend from my e x-workplace.

posted by Kel on

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